AACC, All Africa Conference of Churches - More rooms, better facilities at the Desmond Tutu Conference Centre
AACC, All Africa Conference of Churches
More rooms, better facilities at the Desmond Tutu Conference Centre
The All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) is an ecumenical fellowship of 170 churches and national councils of churches in 39 countries across Africa and is a member of the worldwide ecumenical movement. Founded in 1963, AACC represents more than 120 million Christians across the African continent.
Although AACC mainly relies on grants and membership fees, it generates some of its own revenue by running the Desmond Tutu Conference Centre in Nairobi. As the population grows, so does the Christian community and the number of Christian activities. That is why AACC would like to extend the centre and improve its facilities to boost income and become more financially independent.
AACC will use Oikocredit's loan to extend the Desmond Tutu Conference Centre from 39 to 99 rooms and to purchase new conference furniture and equipment. The revamped centre will also have a better restaurant for guests and conference participants and will serve lunch to office staff in the local area.
AACC has been an Oikocredit partner since 1995.
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