Instituto para el Desarrollo Hondureño - Access to finance for micro and small entrepreneurs in Honduras
Instituto para el Desarrollo Hondureño
Access to finance for micro and small entrepreneurs in Honduras
Instituto para el Desarrollo Hondureño (IDH) offers credit services to micro and small entrepreneurs. IDH was founded in 1974 to empower and support disadvantaged Hondurans. Around 80% of IDH's clients are women, who lack access to formal banking services.
From its head office in Tegucigalpa, IDH runs a network of eight agencies which cover three quarters of the country with a broad range of services including communal banks, group loans and individual loans. IDH also invests in community projects.
IDH enables entrepreneurs to raise work capital, purchase fixed assets and make investments. This has a positive impact on local economies and, consequently, on living standards.
IDH has been an Oikocredit partner since 2009.
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